MA, AdvDip, PGDip, RMT,
MBACP (Accred)
Conferences | Public Talks
Embodied Solidarities: Feminist Friendship, Therapeutic Resistance
Feminist Perspectives on Embodiment and Embodied Violation Conference
John Carroll University, Ohio, October 2024
Existential Psychotherapy as Liberatory Praxis
Sponsored by the Program in Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies & Philosophy Department
John Carroll University, Ohio, October 2024
Resistance Pathologised
Existential Perspectives on Psychological Complicity and Oppression
UK Sartre Society, Cardiff University, June 2024
Buddhist Chaplaincy as Spiritual Activism
Les Atravesades en Comunidad: Coalition Building as Light in the Dark
El Mundo Zurdo Conference, The Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldúa, University of Texas, San Antonio, May 2024
Healing as Revolution, Revolution as Healing
'What is Healing?': R.D. Laing in the Twenty-First Century Symposium, Esalen Institute, California, September 2023
What is Feminist Therapy?
Feminist Therapy Network, September 2023
Love and Liberation: the consulting room as liberatory praxis
Dissident Feminisms: Inaugural bell hooks center Symposium, Berea College, Kentucky, June 2023
Manifestos: Protest and Praxis
PROTEST! The Society For Existential Analysis Conference, NCVO, London, November 2022
withdrew from programme due to inclusion of a trans-antagonistic speaker
Towards an Ethics of Care
'What is Ethical': R.D. Laing in the Twenty-First Century Symposium, Esalen Institute, California, June 2022
The Therapeutics of Truth Telling: parrhesia and consciousness-raising
Gnosis Existential Salon, Webinar, May 2021
Spiritual Transformations: Philosophy As a Way of Life
'What is Spiritual': R.D. Laing in the Twenty-First Century Symposium, Webinar, July 2020
Philosophical Askesis and Fragmented Agencies
'Fragments and Fractals', Department of Psychosocial Studies PhD Conference, Birkbeck University, London, June 2020
The Anxiety of the Earth: ecological dimensions in existential psychotherapy
II World Congress for Existential Therapy, Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, May 2019
Existential Psychotherapy is a Social Practice
Asociation de Desarrollo y Capacitacion de la Argentina, Buenos Aires, May 2019
The Next Fundamental Project: existential psychotherapy and social change
The Society For Existential Analysis Conference, NCVO, London, November 2018
Feminism and Love
'What is Love?': R.D. Laing in the Twenty-First Century Symposium, Esalen Institute, California, July 2018
Being-with Psychosis: an existential approach
'Existential Psychoanalysis': 23rd Conference of the North American Sartre Society, University of La Verne, California, November 2017
In Praise of the Unaltered State: the ethics of experience from a Zen perspective
'What are Altered States?': R.D. Laing in the Twenty-First Century Symposium, Asilomar Conference Grounds, California, July 2017
Miaozong’s Dharma Interview: being naked amidst oppression
StoneWater Zen Centre, London, March 2017
Existential Psychotherapy and the Therapeutics of Activism
'Existentialism and Engagement: The History and Future of Existentialism': 22nd Conference of the North American Sartre Society, University of North Carolina Wilmington, November 2016
What Is This? Zen, phenomenology and therapy
'What is Therapeutic?': R.D. Laing in the Twenty-First Century Symposium, Esalen Institute, California, August 2016