MA, AdvDip, PGDip, RMT,
MBACP (Accred)
I offer therapeutic supervision to individuals and groups for both therapists in training and qualified practitioners. My supervisory approach is rooted in phenomenological and feminist thinking and aims to support supervisees' develop and enrich their therapeutic practice and philosophy through a consideration of differing perspectives, alongside a deepening accountability of their own. As a supervisor, I prefer to work with psychotherapists and counsellors who have, or wish to develop, a critical, creative and socially engaged therapeutic practice and who are interested in exploring the parameters of what therapeutic practice can and might be. In terms of my own therapeutic interests and practice, as a supervisor I am better suited to practitioners who do not work exclusively in private practice, but within community also, both inside and outside of the therapy room. For this reason, I welcome inquiries from not only therapists but also from people working in community who wish to work not necessarily on an individual basis but collectively, in order to develop a generative and supportive supervisory practice that is rooted in collective ethics and solidarity work.
I hold a Diploma in Integrative Supervision for Individuals and Groups and alongside working privately, also work at The Minster Centre, London as both a supervisor for trainees and as an EDI (Equality, Diversity and Intersectionality) supervisor for colleagues. In addition to meeting in person, I also offer supervision sessions by Zoom, outdoors. My fee for supervision is between £75 - £100 per hour.
Feminist Therapy Supervision Group
This online monthly supervision group is for psychotherapists and counsellors who wish to explore feminist contributions to, and critiques of, psychotherapeutic practice. Each session, discussion on a selected feminist text is our starting point for exploring the relationship between feminist praxis and theory and our therapeutic work with clients.
This group is suitable for practising psychotherapists and counsellors – at any stage of their practice - who wish to explore the psychosocial dimensions of their therapeutic work, considering the interstices between the personal and political and the individual and society from varied feminist perspectives.
For more information and to express interest in the group, contact me via email: rebeccagreenslade@hotmail.co.uk.